My favorite season: Summer

Posted on: 02/03/2009

My favorite season is summer. First, in summer it’s always hot and I don’t have to worry about being sick. Second, it’s the season when we can go to the beach and enjoy swimming and playing beach ball. Third, it’s vacation. This means I don’t have to wake up early and go to school. I love summer. It’s the time of fun.


15 Responses to "My favorite season: Summer"

Hello My favorite season is Summer because i can play and swim in cold water and i can play with my freinds and when its summer i get a three months vacaion that i travel in every vacaion to a new contry or city like spain,france,saudi arabia,moroco,libya and katar i hope to meet you again

Great Try Mohammad Baha! But as I told you before, be careful next time with your spelling and punctuation.
I hope you good luck next time!

hello rashid yes i am

اكتب بالعربي

why i will talk in english

Great Mohammad, Keep talking in English here…

Hello , my favret seasoh is summer , Iklike Bacvos is Good for swem In the Beich

Essa, There are some mistakes in your writing: Here is the corrected one” Hello, my favorite season is summer, I like it because it is good for swimming in the beach

Excuse me, I have a question. What’ the country of this blog? Like, what’s the original country?

Hi! Thanks for your question and you are very much welcomed at our blog. The country of this blog is the United Arab Emirates / Dubai.

Hope to see you here again!

Haha, everyone’s favorite season is summer, eh? I don’t know if summer or winter is better… winter has snow and parties but summer has relaxation and beaches. I’m only a fifth grader. Man, school is so hard even at the lowest of grades. I always have about 1 hr of homework everyday(another reason for the summer side).

i am also like you, dear sir as i love summer and i really want summer so badly as winter is approaching so bad:-)

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March 2009